14 Hands Moscato 750ml

KSh 1,700

Indulge in the delightful taste of 14 HANDS MOSCATO 750ML, a sweet and fruity wine designed for adults aged 18 and above. With its elegant bottle design and versatile pairing options, this Moscato wine promises to elevate any occasion with its sophisticated flavor profile.

3 in stock

  • Size: 750ml
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended Age Range: 18+
  • Variants: Moscato wine


  1. Sweet and Fruity Flavor: 14 HANDS MOSCATO 750ML delights the palate with its sweet and fruity flavor profile, offering a refreshing experience.
  2. Elegant Bottle Design: The glass bottle exudes elegance, complementing the wine’s sophisticated taste and making it a perfect choice for special occasions.
  3. Versatile Pairing: Ideal for pairing with desserts or enjoyed on its own, this Moscato wine adds a touch of luxury to any dining experience.
  4. Crafted for Adults: Crafted with precision and care, this wine is tailored for adult enjoyment, providing a refined drinking experience.