Altar Wine 750ml

KSh 1,500

ALTAR WINE 750ML is a sacred beverage crafted for religious ceremonies and sacraments. Made with meticulous care and reverence, this pure and unadulterated wine symbolizes the blood of Christ in Christian traditions. Packaged in a classic glass bottle, ALTAR WINE embodies the solemnity and reverence of religious rituals, enhancing the spiritual experience for participants.

2 in stock

  • Size: 750 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle with a cork closure
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Specifically produced for religious ceremonies and sacraments
  • Technical specifications: Alcohol by volume (ABV) is typically around 12-14%
  • Shape: Traditional cylindrical bottle with a slightly tapered neck
  • Pattern: Clear glass with a simple label featuring religious symbols or text
  • Texture: Smooth and light-bodied liquid
  • Design: Label design may include images of crosses, grapes, or other religious motifs
  • Variants: Available in a single standard size and design, no additional flavor or color variants


  1. Sacramental Use: ALTAR WINE is meticulously crafted and consecrated for use in religious ceremonies, symbolizing the blood of Christ in Christian traditions.
  2. Pure and Unadulterated: Produced under strict regulations, ALTAR WINE is free from additives or preservatives, ensuring its purity and suitability for sacred rites.
  3. Reverent Symbolism: With its sacred purpose, ALTAR WINE embodies the solemnity and reverence of religious rituals, enhancing the spiritual experience for participants.
  4. Traditional Craftsmanship: ALTAR WINE is crafted with care and precision, following age-old traditions and rituals passed down through generations of winemakers.
  5. Standardized Quality: Each bottle of ALTAR WINE adheres to strict quality standards to ensure consistency and integrity, meeting the requirements of religious institutions worldwide.
  6. Respectful Packaging: Packaged in a classic glass bottle with a cork closure, ALTAR WINE reflects the traditional aesthetics of religious sacraments and ceremonies.
  7. Age Limit: As a sacred beverage, ALTAR WINE is intended for adults aged 18 and above, by religious customs and regulations.