Amarula 750 Ml

KSh 2,600

AMARULA 750 ML offers a luxurious cream liqueur with the unique flavor of marula fruit. Packaged elegantly, it’s crafted for adults aged 18+, ideal for special occasions and celebrations.

4 in stock

  • Size: 750ml
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Cream liqueur with the unique taste of marula fruit
  • Design: Elegant and sophisticated glass bottle design
  • Variants: Cream liqueur


  1. Unique Taste: AMARULA 750 ML offers a cream liqueur renowned for its distinctive flavor, derived from the delicious marula fruit, providing a memorable drinking experience.
  2. Elegant Design: Packaged in an elegant and sophisticated glass bottle, this cream liqueur exudes luxury and refinement, making it suitable for special occasions and celebrations.
  3. Smooth Texture: With its smooth and velvety texture, AMARULA provides a luxurious drinking experience, perfect for those with a taste for indulgence.
  4. Crafted for Adults: Designed for adult consumption, this cream liqueur is intended for those aged 18 and above, providing a sophisticated option for discerning drinkers.