Cellar Cask Red Sweet 750ml

KSh 950

Savor the delightful sweetness of CELLAR CASK RED SWEET 750ML, a smooth and fruity red wine packaged in a classic glass bottle. Ideal for adult gatherings or quiet evenings at home, this versatile wine offers an affordable indulgence for wine lovers aged 18 and above.

3 in stock

  • Size: 750ml
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Sweet red wine, smooth and fruity taste
  • Design: Traditional glass bottle design
  • Variants: Red wine


  1. Sweet and Fruity: CELLAR CASK RED SWEET 750ML offers a delightful sweet red wine with a smooth and fruity taste, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer sweeter wine options.
  2. Generous Size: Packaged in a 750ml glass bottle, this sweet red wine provides plenty of servings for sharing with friends and family at gatherings or enjoying alone.
  3. Classic Design: The wine comes in a traditional glass bottle design, emphasizing the timeless appeal of this sweet red wine.
  4. Versatile Pairing: CELLAR CASK RED SWEET complements a wide range of dishes, from spicy cuisine to desserts, enhancing the overall dining experience with its sweet flavor profile.
  5. Suitable for Adults: Designed for adults aged 18 and above, ensuring responsible consumption of this delicious sweet red wine.
  6. Smooth Texture: With its smooth texture and fruity notes, CELLAR CASK RED SWEET offers a pleasurable drinking experience, pleasing even the most discerning palates.
  7. Affordable Indulgence: Enjoy the indulgent sweetness of this red wine without breaking the bank, thanks to the accessible pricing of CELLAR CASK RED SWEET.