Crazy Cock 750ml

KSh 900

Indulge in the premium taste of CRAZY COCK 750ML vodka. Packaged in a stylish glass bottle with an eye-catching label, this high-quality vodka is crafted for adults aged 18 and above. Enjoy its smooth and distinctive flavor on its own or in your favorite cocktail.

1 in stock

  • Size: 750 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Premium vodka
  • Design: Eye-catching label with bold typography and vibrant colors
  • Variants: Vodka
  • Age limit: 18+


  1. Generous Size: CRAZY COCK comes in a 750-milliliter glass bottle, offering plenty of premium vodka for your enjoyment.
  2. High-Quality Material: Packaged in a durable glass bottle, CRAZY COCK ensures the purity and freshness of its vodka.
  3. For Adults: Crafted for adult consumption, CRAZY COCK is intended for individuals aged 18 and above.
  4. Premium Vodka: CRAZY COCK is renowned for its high-quality vodka, providing a smooth and refined drinking experience.
  5. Eye-Catching Design: Featuring an attention-grabbing label with bold typography and vibrant colors, CRAZY COCK stands out on the shelf.
  6. Versatile Usage: Whether sipped neat, on the rocks or as part of a cocktail, CRAZY COCK vodka offers versatility in how it can be enjoyed.
  7. Distinctive Flavor: CRAZY COCK vodka boasts a distinctively smooth flavor profile, making it a favorite choice among vodka enthusiasts.