Hunters 750ml

KSh 1,050

Indulge in the crisp and refreshing taste of HUNTERS 750ML cider, packaged in a durable glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this premium cider offers a delightful drinking experience, available in apple and pear variants to suit different tastes.

5 in stock


  • Size: 750 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Premium cider with a crisp and refreshing taste
  • Technical specifications: Alcohol content varies by variant
  • Design: Classic label design with Hunter branding
  • Variants: Apple cider, pear cider


  1. Perfect Size: The HUNTERS 750ML bottle contains 750 milliliters of premium cider, providing ample servings for cider enthusiasts.
  2. Quality Material: Packaged in a durable glass bottle, Hunters ensures the preservation of its crisp and refreshing taste.
  3. Adult Beverage: HUNTERS is intended for adults aged 18 and above, offering a delightful drinking experience.
  4. Crisp Taste: Hunters cider is celebrated for its crisp and refreshing taste, making it a popular choice for cider lovers.
  5. Alcohol Content: The alcohol content varies by variant, offering options to suit different preferences.
  6. Classic Design: The bottle features a classic label design adorned with the iconic Hunters branding, reflecting the brand’s tradition and heritage.
  7. Variants Available: HUNTERS is available in apple cider and pear cider variants, catering to diverse taste preferences.