Strettons Gin 750ml

KSh 1,400

Indulge in the premium quality of STRETTON GIN 750ML, a gin infused with botanicals and packaged in a sleek glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, it offers versatility and sophistication for gin enthusiasts.

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  • Size: 750ml
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Premium quality gin with a botanical infusion
  • Design: Sleek and sophisticated glass bottle design
  • Variants: Gin


  1. Botanical Infusion: STRETTONS GIN 750ML is a premium quality gin infused with botanicals, offering a refreshing and aromatic drinking experience.
  2. Sleek Design: Packaged in a sleek and sophisticated glass bottle, this gin exudes elegance and style, making it a standout choice for gin enthusiasts.
  3. Versatile Usage: With its versatile flavor profile, STRETTON GIN can be enjoyed in classic cocktails or mixed with tonic water, providing flexibility for various preferences.
  4. Crafted for Adults: Designed for adult consumption, STRETTON GIN is intended for those aged 18 and above, providing a refined option for discerning gin drinkers.