Strettons Wild Berries 750ml

KSh 1,600

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of STRETTONS WILD BERRIES 750ML. Infused with the essence of wild berries, this flavored vodka offers a smooth and fruity taste experience, perfect for adding a burst of flavor to any celebration or gathering.

2 in stock

– Type: Flavored Vodka

– Size: 750 milliliters

– Material: Glass bottle with screw cap closure

– Intended age range: 18+

– Special features: Infused with the essence of wild berries

– Technical specifications: Alcohol by volume (ABV) is typically around 35%

– Shape: Sleek bottle with a curved body and a wide base

– Pattern: Vibrant label design featuring wild berries imagery and bold typography

– Texture: Smooth and fruity on the palate

– Design: Playful label design with colorful accents, reflecting the vibrant nature of wild berries

– Variants: Available in a single standard size and design, no additional flavor variants


  1. Bursting with Flavor: STRETTONS WILD BERRIES 750ML offers a burst of fruity flavor, infused with the essence of wild berries, creating a delightful taste experience with every sip.
  2. Unique Infusion: Experience the unique infusion of wild berries essence, carefully crafted to capture the essence and freshness of ripe berries in every bottle of STRETTONS.
  3. Smooth Texture: Indulge in the smooth and velvety texture of STRETTONS WILD BERRIES, which coats the palate with a luscious fruity sensation, leaving a refreshing finish.
  4. Versatile Spirit: Whether enjoyed neat, mixed with soda, or used as a base for cocktails, STRETTONS WILD BERRIES offers endless possibilities for creating refreshing drinks and cocktails.
  5. Playful Design: The playful label design of STRETTONS WILD BERRIES, adorned with vibrant wild berries imagery and bold typography, reflects the fun and adventurous spirit of the drink.
  6. Perfect for Social Gatherings: STRETTONS WILD BERRIES is the perfect choice for social gatherings and parties, adding a burst of flavor and excitement to any occasion.
  7. Suitable for Adults: STRETTONS WILD BERRIES 750ML is intended for adults aged 18 and above, promoting responsible enjoyment of flavored spirits.