Tanguery Imported 700ml

KSh 2,800

Indulge in the premium quality and distinctive flavor of TANGUERY IMPORTED 700ML gin. Imported from renowned distilleries, this gin offers a harmonious blend of botanicals and a smooth, crisp taste. Packaged in an elegant glass bottle with a classic label design, TANGUERY IMPORTED is the perfect choice for discerning gin lovers looking for a versatile and sophisticated spirit.

4 in stock

  • Size: 700 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle with cork stopper
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Imported gin with a blend of botanicals
  • Technical specifications: Alcohol by volume (ABV) is typically around 40%
  • Shape: Tall, slender bottle with a tapered neck
  • Pattern: Clear glass with embossed brand name and label
  • Texture: Smooth liquid with a crisp finish
  • Design: Elegant label design with gold accents and classic typography
  • Variants: Available in 700ml size only, no additional flavor or color variants


  1. Premium Quality Gin: TANGUERY IMPORTED is a premium quality gin crafted with a meticulous blend of botanicals, resulting in a smooth and flavorful spirit.
  2. Imported Excellence: Sourced from renowned distilleries, TANGUERY IMPORTED brings the excellence of imported gin to discerning consumers.
  3. Distinctive Botanical Blend: Enjoy the unique flavor profile of TANGUERY IMPORTED, characterized by a harmonious blend of botanicals that create a well-balanced and aromatic gin.
  4. Crisp and Refreshing: TANGUERY IMPORTED offers a crisp and refreshing taste experience, making it perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as the base for classic gin cocktails.
  5. Versatile Spirit: Whether you prefer a classic gin and tonic or a creative cocktail creation, TANGUERY IMPORTED’s versatile nature makes it the ideal choice for any occasion.
  6. Sophisticated Packaging: Packaged in an elegant glass bottle with a cork stopper, TANGUERY IMPORTED exudes sophistication and style.
  7. Timeless Design: The label design of TANGUERY IMPORTED features classic typography and gold accents, adding a touch of luxury to any bar or liquor cabinet.
  8. Perfect Gift: With its premium quality and elegant presentation, TANGUERY IMPORTED makes a perfect gift for gin enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.