Experience the luscious world of cream liqueurs and spirits at Southking Liquor in South B, Nairobi. Our Creams category is a delightful selection of creamy and indulgent beverages that tantalize your taste buds. From classic Irish cream to unique and delectable varieties, savor the rich and velvety goodness of cream-infused wines, whisky, gin, beer, and more. Explore this creamy oasis and elevate your spirits to a new level of indulgence.
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Best Cream 750ml
KSh 1,200Experience the richness and creaminess of BEST CREAM 750ML, a high-quality dairy product perfect for cooking, baking, or adding to your favorite beverages. With its… -
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Amarula 1 Litre
KSh 3,000Indulge in the luxurious taste of AMARULA 1 LITRE, a cream liqueur with a unique flavor derived from the marula fruit. Packaged in an elegant… -
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Baileys 750ml
KSh 2,500Indulge in the smooth and indulgent taste of BAILEYS 750ML, a luxurious cream liqueur packaged in a classic glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18… -
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Baileys 1 Litre
KSh 3,000Indulge in the rich and creamy taste of BAILEYS 1 LITRE, a luxurious cream liqueur packaged in an iconic glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Amarula 750 Ml
KSh 2,600AMARULA 750 ML offers a luxurious cream liqueur with the unique flavor of marula fruit. Packaged elegantly, it's crafted for adults aged 18+, ideal for… -
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Amarula 375 Ml
KSh 1,500Experience the unique flavor of AMARULA 375 ML, a cream liqueur with the taste of marula fruit, packaged in a sleek and compact glass bottle.…