Elevate Your Drinks with Premium Mixers at Southking Liquor, Nairobi, Kenya. Our extensive range of mixers is the perfect complement to your favorite spirits and beverages. From classic tonic waters to exotic flavors, discover the ideal mixers to create your signature cocktails and mocktails. Visit Southking Liquor and enhance your beverage experience with our top-quality mixers today!
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Chamdor Sparkling Red 750ml
KSh 850Elevate your celebrations with CHAMDOR SPARKLING RED 750ML, a fruity and effervescent sparkling red wine packaged in an elegant glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Coca Cola 2l
KSh 180Experience the timeless taste of Coca-Cola with Coca-Cola 2L. With its iconic cola flavor and refreshing carbonation, Coca-Cola is the perfect beverage choice for sharing… -
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Fanta Orange 2l
KSh 180Quench your thirst with FANTA ORANGE 2L, a refreshing carbonated beverage packed with a tangy orange flavor. Packaged in a convenient 2-liter plastic bottle, this… -
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Keringet 1l
KSh 110Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of KERINGET 1L natural spring water, sourced from Kenya's Rift Valley. Packaged in a convenient plastic bottle with a… -
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Keringet Sparkling Water 1l
KSh 150Indulge in the crisp and effervescent taste of KERINGET SPARKLING WATER 1L. Carbonated for a refreshing experience, this versatile beverage is suitable for all ages… -
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KSh 60Experience the crisp and tangy taste of LEMONADE, a refreshing citrus beverage perfect for all ages. Made with natural lemon juice and packaged in a… -
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Minute Maid Apple 1l
KSh 150Quench your thirst with the refreshing taste of MINUTE MAID APPLE 1L, made with real apple juice and no added preservatives. Packaged in a durable… -
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Minute Maid Tropical 1l
KSh 150Quench your thirst with MINUTE MAID TROPICAL 1L, a refreshing beverage packed with the delicious flavors of tropical fruits. Packaged in a convenient plastic bottle… -
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Monster Energy Drink 500ml
KSh 220Experience an instant energy boost with MONSTER ENERGY DRINK 500ML. Packaged in a durable aluminum can with a pull-tab lid, this high-caffeine beverage is designed… -
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Predator Energy Drink
KSh 60PREDATOR ENERGY DRINK offers a high-energy formulation in a convenient 250-milliliter can, providing an instant boost of energy for adults aged 18 and above. With…