Cinzano Bianco 750ml

KSh 1,500

Discover the crisp and refreshing flavor of CINZANO BIANCO 750ML, a classic white vermouth packaged in a timeless glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this versatile vermouth is an essential ingredient for cocktails or can be enjoyed on its own for a sophisticated drinking experience.

3 in stock


  • Size: 750ml
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: White vermouth, crisp and refreshing flavor profile
  • Design: Classic and timeless glass bottle design
  • Variants: White vermouth


  1. Crisp Flavor: CINZANO BIANCO 750ML is a white vermouth known for its crisp and refreshing flavor profile, making it a versatile option for various cocktails and mixed drinks.
  2. Generous Size: Packaged in a 750ml glass bottle, CINZANO BIANCO provides ample servings for creating multiple cocktails or enjoying on its own.
  3. Classic Design: The glass bottle design of CINZANO BIANCO is classic and timeless, reflecting the rich heritage of this renowned vermouth brand.
  4. Mixology Essential: With its balanced flavor profile, CINZANO BIANCO is a staple ingredient in many classic cocktails, adding depth and complexity to drinks.
  5. Adult Beverage: Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, ensuring responsible consumption of this versatile white vermouth.
  6. Versatile Usage: Whether used as a base for cocktails or enjoyed on its own over ice, CINZANO BIANCO offers a versatile drinking experience for discerning consumers.
  7. Refreshing Choice: Experience the refreshing taste of CINZANO BIANCO, a white vermouth that adds a touch of sophistication to any cocktail creation.