Glenmorangie Lasanta 750ml

KSh 6,500

Experience the richness of GLENMORANGIE LASANTA 750ML, a luxurious single malt Scotch whisky finished in sherry casks. With its smooth texture and complex flavor profile featuring notes of chocolate, nuts, and spice, this whisky is perfect for discerning adults aged 18 and above, offering a sophisticated drinking experience.

1 in stock

  • Size: 750 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Finished in sherry casks, rich and full-bodied single malt Scotch whisky
  • Flavor: Smooth with notes of chocolate, nuts, and spice
  • Design: Elegant glass bottle with sophisticated labeling


  1. Generous Size: GLENMORANGIE LASANTA 750ML comes in a 750-milliliter glass bottle, offering ample servings of this rich and full-bodied single-malt Scotch whisky.
  2. Quality Material: Packaged in a glass bottle, GLENMORANGIE LASANTA ensures the whisky’s integrity is maintained while enhancing its presentation.
  3. Adult Consumption: This whisky is intended for adults aged 18 and above, providing a sophisticated drinking experience.
  4. Sherry Cask Finish: GLENMORANGIE LASANTA is finished in sherry casks, imparting rich and complex flavors to the whisky, with hints of chocolate, nuts, and spice.
  5. Smooth Texture: With a smooth and velvety texture, this whisky glides over the palate, delivering a luxurious drinking experience.
  6. Elegant Design: The glass bottle features an elegant design with sophisticated labeling, reflecting the premium quality of the whisky inside.