Jack Daniels 700ml Cork

KSh 3,800

Indulge in the distinctive flavor and timeless elegance of JACK DANIELS 700ML CORK, a Tennessee whiskey packaged in a classic glass bottle with a cork stopper. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this iconic whiskey variant offers a premium drinking experience, perfect for whiskey aficionados.

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  • Size: 700 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle with cork stopper
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Distinctive Tennessee whiskey flavor, iconic branding
  • Design: Classic square-shaped glass bottle with embossed label and cork stopper
  • Variants: Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey


  1. Classic Size: JACK DANIELS 700ML CORK comes in a standard 700-milliliter glass bottle, offering a generous quantity for whiskey enthusiasts.
  2. Premium Material: Packaged in a glass bottle with a cork stopper, JACK DANIELS ensures the preservation of its distinct flavor and quality.
  3. Adult Consumption: Intended for adults aged 18 and above, JACK DANIELS is crafted for responsible and legal consumption.
  4. Distinctive Flavor: Enjoy the signature Tennessee whiskey flavor of JACK DANIELS, characterized by its smoothness and unique charcoal mellowing process.
  5. Iconic Design: The classic square-shaped glass bottle features an embossed label and cork stopper, reflecting the timeless and iconic branding of Jack Daniel’s.
  6. Variant Available: JACK DANIELS is available as Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey variant, offering a traditional and authentic whiskey-drinking experience.