Johnnie Walker Red 750ml

KSh 2,000

Indulge in the classic taste of JOHNNIE WALKER RED 750ML, a blended Scotch whisky packaged in a glass bottle with a screw cap. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this iconic whisky variant offers a smooth and balanced drinking experience, perfect for enjoying neat or mixed-in cocktails.

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  • Size: 750 milliliters
  • Material: Glass bottle with a screw cap
  • Intended age range: 18+
  • Special features: Blended Scotch whisky known for its classic taste
  • Technical specifications: Alcohol by volume (ABV) varies by product
  • Shape: Standard cylindrical bottle
  • Texture: Smooth liquid
  • Design: The label features iconic JOHNNIE WALKER branding with bold red and white colors
  • Variants: Only available in the classic JOHNNIE WALKER RED blend


  1. Ample Volume: The 750-milliliter size provides a standard quantity for whisky enthusiasts.
  2. Premium Packaging: Housed in a glass bottle with a screw cap, ensuring the preservation of its distinct flavors.
  3. Adult Consumption: Crafted for legal drinking-age adults, adhering to responsible consumption guidelines.
  4. Classic Taste: Known for its signature blend, JOHNNIE WALKER RED offers a timeless whisky-drinking experience.
  5. Smooth Texture: Delivers a smooth and balanced liquid texture, perfect for sipping or mixing.
  6. Iconic Design: The label design features the iconic JOHNNIE WALKER branding with bold red and white colors, easily recognizable among whisky enthusiasts.
  7. Single Variant: Available only in the classic JOHNNIE WALKER RED blend, maintaining consistency in taste and quality.