Nederburg Carbernet 750ml

KSh 2,000

Experience the richness and complexity of NEDERBURG CABERNET 750ML. With its bold flavor profile and full-bodied texture, this red wine offers a sophisticated drinking experience suitable for any occasion.

3 in stock

– Type: Red Wine

– Size: 750 milliliters

– Material: Glass bottle with cork or screw cap closure

– Intended age range: 18+

– Special features: Rich and bold with hints of dark fruit and oak

– Technical specifications: Alcohol by volume (ABV) is typically around 13-14%

– Shape: Classic bottle with a rounded body and a tapered neck

– Pattern: Deep red glass accentuating the richness of the wine, complemented by an elegant label design

– Texture: Full-bodied and velvety on the palate

– Design: Refined label design featuring the NEDERBURG logo and varietal name with gold accents

– Variants: Available in a single standard size and design, no additional flavor variants


  1. Rich and Bold Flavor: NEDERBURG CABERNET 750ML offers a rich and bold flavor profile, characterized by its depth and complexity, with distinct notes of dark fruit and oak.
  2. Exceptional Quality: Crafted with precision and expertise, NEDERBURG CABERNET exemplifies the highest standards of winemaking, ensuring a superior drinking experience.
  3. Full-Bodied Texture: Indulge in the full-bodied texture of NEDERBURG CABERNET, which coats the palate with velvety smoothness, leaving a satisfying sensation with every sip.
  4. Elegant Presentation: Packaged in a classic glass bottle with a choice of cork or screw cap closure, NEDERBURG CABERNET exudes elegance and sophistication, making it a perfect choice for special occasions.
  5. Versatile Pairing: Whether paired with hearty meats, aged cheeses, or enjoyed on its own, NEDERBURG CABERNET complements a wide range of dishes and enhances the dining experience.
  6. Refined Design: The refined label design of NEDERBURG CABERNET, adorned with gold accents and the iconic NEDERBURG logo, reflects the wine’s prestige and heritage, making it a standout selection for wine enthusiasts.
  7. Suitable for Adults: NEDERBURG CABERNET 750ML is intended for adults aged 18 and above, promoting responsible enjoyment of fine wines.