Indulge in the Finest Wines at Southking Liquor, Nairobi, Kenya. Unveil a world of elegance and flavor with our exquisite wine selection. From velvety reds to crisp whites, our wines cater to every palate and occasion. Explore a diverse range of varietals and regions, ensuring a wine for every connoisseur. Visit Southking Liquor and elevate your wine experience today!
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Caprice Red Dry 1 Litre
KSh 850Indulge in the bold and robust flavor of CAPRICE RED DRY 1 LITRE, a red dry wine packaged in a classic glass bottle. Crafted for… -
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Caprice Sweet Red 1 Litre
KSh 850Savor the luscious and fruity flavor of CAPRICE SWEET RED 1 LITRE, a sweet red wine packaged in an elegant glass bottle. Crafted for adults… -
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4th Street Sweet Red 750ml
KSh 900Indulge in the smooth and velvety taste of 4TH STREET SWEET RED 750ML, a delightful sweet red wine packaged in an elegant glass bottle. Crafted… -
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Drostdyhof Red Claret 750ml
KSh 900Experience the rich and fruity flavors of DROSTDYHOF RED CLARET 750ML. With its smooth finish and well-balanced taste, this red wine is the perfect choice… -
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Cellar Cask Red Sweet 750ml
KSh 950Savor the delightful sweetness of CELLAR CASK RED SWEET 750ML, a smooth and fruity red wine packaged in a classic glass bottle. Ideal for adult… -
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Frontera Last Harvest 750ml
KSh 1,000Indulge in the luxurious taste of FRONTERA LAST HARVEST 750ML, a late-harvest wine packaged in a premium 750-milliliter glass bottle. Crafted for adult wine enthusiasts,… -
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Cellar Cask Red 1litre
KSh 1,200Experience the smooth and fruity taste of Cellar Cask Red 1 Litre. With its medium body and velvety texture, this red wine is the perfect… -
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Dornfelder Trocken
KSh 1,200DORNFELDER TROCKEN offers a premium red wine experience, meticulously crafted from select Dornfelder grapes. With its elegant design and bold flavor profile, this wine guarantees… -
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4th Street White Sweet 750ml
KSh 1,350Experience the sweet and fruity delight of 4th Street White Sweet 750ml. With its crisp finish and refreshing texture, this white wine is perfect for… -
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Asconi Pastoral 750 Ml
KSh 1,500Indulge in ASCONI PASTORAL 750 ML, a red wine with a smooth and fruity taste, packaged in a classic glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Altar Wine 750ml
KSh 1,500ALTAR WINE 750ML is a sacred beverage crafted for religious ceremonies and sacraments. Made with meticulous care and reverence, this pure and unadulterated wine symbolizes… -
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14 Hands Hot To Trot 750ml
KSh 1,700Experience the smooth and vibrant flavors of 14 Hands Hot to Trot 750ml. With its approachable style and versatile pairing options, this red wine blend…