Indulge in the Finest Wines at Southking Liquor, Nairobi, Kenya. Unveil a world of elegance and flavor with our exquisite wine selection. From velvety reds to crisp whites, our wines cater to every palate and occasion. Explore a diverse range of varietals and regions, ensuring a wine for every connoisseur. Visit Southking Liquor and elevate your wine experience today!
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Altar Wine 750ml
KSh 1,500ALTAR WINE 750ML is a sacred beverage crafted for religious ceremonies and sacraments. Made with meticulous care and reverence, this pure and unadulterated wine symbolizes… -
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Australian Bush Chardonay
KSh 2,500Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of AUSTRALIAN BUSH CHARDONNAY. With its citrusy undertones and subtle oak notes, this white wine offers a sophisticated drinking… -
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St Claire Rose 750 Ml
KSh 1,800Indulge in the crisp and refreshing taste of ST CLAIRE ROSE 750 ML, a premium rose wine packaged in an elegant glass bottle. Crafted for… -
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Saint Anna 1.5 Litres
KSh 2,000Experience the crisp effervescence and delicate floral notes of SAINT ANNA 1.5 LITRES. Packaged in an elegant bottle, this sparkling wine offers a light and… -
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Rosso Nobile Cioccolata 750ml
KSh 1,800Indulge in the luxurious taste of ROSSO NOBILE CIOCCOLATA 750ML, a wine infused with rich chocolate flavor for a decadent drinking experience. Packaged in an… -
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Riscal 1860 750ml
KSh 2,000Experience the legacy of RISCAL 1860 750ML, a premium quality wine crafted with a rich heritage dating back to 1860. Packaged in an elegant glass… -
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Nederburg Carbernet 750ml
KSh 2,000Experience the richness and complexity of NEDERBURG CABERNET 750ML. With its bold flavor profile and full-bodied texture, this red wine offers a sophisticated drinking experience… -
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Frontera Last Harvest 750ml
KSh 1,000Indulge in the luxurious taste of FRONTERA LAST HARVEST 750ML, a late-harvest wine packaged in a premium 750-milliliter glass bottle. Crafted for adult wine enthusiasts,… -
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Four Cousins Red Sweet 1.5 Litre
KSh 1,850Indulge in the delightful taste of FOUR COUSINS RED SWEET 1.5 LITRE, a sweet red wine packaged in a generous 1.5-liter glass bottle. Crafted for… -
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Drostdyhof Red Claret 750ml
KSh 900Experience the rich and fruity flavors of DROSTDYHOF RED CLARET 750ML. With its smooth finish and well-balanced taste, this red wine is the perfect choice… -
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Dornfelder Trocken
KSh 1,200DORNFELDER TROCKEN offers a premium red wine experience, meticulously crafted from select Dornfelder grapes. With its elegant design and bold flavor profile, this wine guarantees… -
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Cellar Cask Red Sweet 750ml
KSh 950Savor the delightful sweetness of CELLAR CASK RED SWEET 750ML, a smooth and fruity red wine packaged in a classic glass bottle. Ideal for adult…