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Smirnoff Vodka 1 Litre
KSh 1,900Indulge in the exceptional quality and smooth taste of SMIRNOFF VODKA 1 LITRE, a premium vodka distilled from grains and filtered through charcoal for purity.… -
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Snapp Apple Can
KSh 200Indulge in the crisp and refreshing taste of SNAPP APPLE CAN, a convenient and portable apple-flavored alcoholic beverage packaged in a standard-sized aluminum can. Designed… -
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Southern Comfort 375 Ml
KSh 1,500Indulge in the smooth and versatile taste of SOUTHERN COMFORT 375 ML, a premium whiskey liqueur packaged in a convenient glass bottle. Crafted for adults… -
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St Claire Rose 750 Ml
KSh 1,800Indulge in the crisp and refreshing taste of ST CLAIRE ROSE 750 ML, a premium rose wine packaged in an elegant glass bottle. Crafted for… -
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Strettons Gin 750ml
KSh 1,400Indulge in the premium quality of STRETTON GIN 750ML, a gin infused with botanicals and packaged in a sleek glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Strettons Wild Berries 750ml
KSh 1,600Indulge in the vibrant flavors of STRETTONS WILD BERRIES 750ML. Infused with the essence of wild berries, this flavored vodka offers a smooth and fruity… -
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Tangueray Blackcurrant Royale 750ml
KSh 2,800Indulge in the luxurious taste of TANQUERAY BLACKCURRANT ROYALE. Infused with the essence of blackcurrant and select botanicals, this gin liqueur offers a smooth and… -
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Tanguery Imported 700ml
KSh 2,800Indulge in the premium quality and distinctive flavor of TANGUERY IMPORTED 700ML gin. Imported from renowned distilleries, this gin offers a harmonious blend of botanicals… -
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Tusker Cider Premium Apple Can
KSh 240Savor the refreshing taste of TUSKER CIDER PREMIUM APPLE CAN, a premium apple cider packaged in a convenient aluminum can. Crafted for adults aged 18… -
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Tusker Lager Can 500ml
KSh 250Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of TUSKER LAGER CAN 500ML, a premium lager beer packaged in a convenient aluminum can. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Tusker Lite Can 500ml
KSh 280Experience the light and refreshing taste of TUSKER LITE CAN 500ML, a premium lager beer packaged in a convenient aluminum can. Crafted for adults aged… -
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Tusker Malt Can 500ml
KSh 280Experience the rich and flavorful taste of TUSKER MALT CAN 500ML, a premium malt beverage packaged in a convenient aluminum can. Crafted for adults aged…