Discover a world of rich and flavorful spirits at Southking, Nairobi’s premier liquor shop. Our whisky selection is a testament to the art of distillation, offering a diverse range of renowned and rare whiskies from around the globe. Whether you’re an aficionado or a newcomer to the world of whisky, you’ll find something to savor among our curated collection. From smooth and smoky Scotch to bold and robust bourbons, we offer the finest labels that have stood the test of time. Explore the nuanced flavors and distinct character of single malts, blended whiskies, and more. At Southking, we invite you to indulge in the warmth and complexity of whisky, making every sip an exquisite journey for the senses. Cheers to a world of whisky wonders at Southking!
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Captain Morgan Gold 250ml
KSh 400Indulge in the smooth and rich taste of CAPTAIN MORGAN GOLD 250ML, a premium rum packaged in a convenient glass bottle. With its iconic design… -
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Crazy Cock 750ml
KSh 900Indulge in the premium taste of CRAZY COCK 750ML vodka. Packaged in a stylish glass bottle with an eye-catching label, this high-quality vodka is crafted… -
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Imperial Blue 750ml
KSh 1,000Experience the premium quality and smooth flavor of IMPERIAL BLUE whisky in a 750-milliliter glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this blended… -
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8pm Fire Whisky 750ml
KSh 1,000Savor the rich and smoky flavors of 8PM FIRE WHISKY. Crafted with precision and care, this premium whisky delivers a smooth and warming taste experience,… -
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Best Vodka Original
KSh 1,000Experience the exceptional purity and smoothness of BEST VODKA ORIGINAL. Crafted using a triple distillation process, this premium vodka boasts a clean and crisp flavor… -
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Flirt Vodka Green Apple 700ml
KSh 1,050Experience the delightful taste of FLIRT VODKA GREEN APPLE 700ML, a premium vodka infused with the refreshing flavor of green apples. Packaged in a stylish… -
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Hunters 750ml
KSh 1,050Indulge in the crisp and refreshing taste of HUNTERS 750ML cider, packaged in a durable glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18 and above, this… -
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8pm Original 750ml
KSh 1,150Savor the smooth and rich flavor of 8PM ORIGINAL 750ML. Crafted with expertise and dedication, this premium whisky offers a velvety texture and timeless elegance,… -
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KSh 1,200Enjoy the rich and satisfying taste of ALL SEASONS 750ML, a versatile red wine packaged in a classic glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged 18… -
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Best Whiskey 750ml
KSh 1,200Indulge in the rich and complex flavor of BEST WHISKEY 750ML, a premium quality whiskey packaged in a sleek glass bottle. Crafted for adults aged… -
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KSh 1,200Experience the smooth and rich flavor of MACMOHAN, a blended Scotch whisky crafted for adults aged 18 and above. Available in various sizes, each bottle… -
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Old Monk 750ml
KSh 1,200Experience the timeless taste of OLD MONK 750ML, a classic dark rum packaged in an elegant glass bottle with a screw cap. Crafted for adults…